An Appeal has been filed by the developer against the refusal of application 19/00963/OUT for 40 houses on land north of Berry Hill Road.
The Appeal documents are available on the Cherwell Planning Portal under reference 21/00004/REF – click here to go directly to the application.
According to the Planning Portal, the Appeal will be decided at a Hearing. and it is not clear whether or not comments from local residents will be taken into consideration. Nevertheless, WARA is encouraging everyone to submit their views, so that Cherwell are fully aware of how we in West Adderbury feel about further large scale development.

As far as we can see, there is currently no facility to comment on the Appeal online, so we suggest emailing the case officer Caroline Ford at or the Appeal case officer Matthew Swinford at
Application 19/00963/OUT was refused last year by Cherwell DC, who gave the following reasons in their decision – please feel free to use some or all of these in your comments:
- the site is beyond the built-up limits of the village
- the site is in an unsustainable location
- the site is in open countryside
- the homes would be distant from local services
- residents would be reliant upon cars for transport
- development of this site is contrary to the Adderbury Neighbourhood Plan
- the site is outside of the Residential Settlement Boundary
- the site would have a poorly integrated relationship with existing built development
- the development would cause significant urbanisation
- the development would have a visual impact on the rural character, appearance of the locality and local settlement pattern, which would cause unacceptable harm to the character and appearance of the area and the rural setting of the village
- the development would fail to reinforce local distinctiveness
- the necessary infrastructure directly required both on and off site, in the interests of safeguarding public infrastructure, mitigating highway safety concerns, delivering mixed and balanced communities by the provision of affordable housing and securing on site future maintenance arrangements is not provided.
In addition to the above reasons, Oxfordshire County Council has recently approved traffic calming measures for Berry Hill Road, including chicanes near to the junction with the A4260. This location clearly already has severe traffic problems, which would only be exacerbated by the construction of 40 new homes.