We know that a number of local WhatsApp groups have been set up across West Adderbury to support our more vulnerable residents. However, if there is anyone who is struggling or would welcome additional support, please get in touch with admin@westadderbury.org, or contact your West Adderbury Residents’ Association (WARA) at westadderbury@yahoo.com. You may also find the following links useful:
Banbury Town Council’s Covid19 Support Page https://www.banbury.gov.uk/Help__and__Advice_for_Vulnerable_People_30798.aspx
Banbury Covid-19 Facebook Support Group For The Vulnerable https://www.facebook.com/groups/241630583662474/
Cherwell District Council’s Covid19 page provides advice on council tax, rent payments and also offers business advice https://www.cherwell.gov.uk/homepage/133/coronavirus-covid-19
Citizens’ Advice (North Oxon & South Northants) can organise a free food parcel to elderly or vulnerable residents https://www.canosn.org.uk/
Oxfordshire All In provides a central hub for Covid19 support in Oxfordshire https://www.oxfordshireallin.org/
AgeUK Oxfordshire have launched a new telephone service offering advice and assistance to the elderly and their carers https://www.ageuk.org.uk/oxfordshire/
Banbury Star Cyclists Club are offering to pick up medication for the elderly/ people in social isolation, in Banbury and outlying villages up to a20 mile radius – Email: president@banburystar.co.uk
The Co-operative store in Bloxham is making food deliveries to elderly, vulnerable and self-isolating people in Bloxham and the surrounding villages, ring 01295 720476.
Sainsburys in Banbury is currently open from 08.00 to 20.00 (closed Easter Sunday). NHS ID holders have priority Monday to Saturday 07:30 – 08:00. Elderly customers, carers and disabled customers have priority Monday, Wednesday and Friday 08:00 – 09:00.
Waitrose in Banbury is dedicating the first hour of shopping to elderly and vulnerable customers. https://www.waitrose.com/bf_home/bf/874.html
Tesco stores are prioritising the elderly and most vulnerable for one hour between 9am and 10am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. NHS workers are prioritised every Tuesday and Thursday, and also at a browsing hour before checkouts open on Sundays. If you’re an NHS worker bring a form of NHS ID, such as a staff card.
Oxford and Banbury Safe Haven are open through COVID-19 crisis, providing confidential support face to face or over the phone to anyone who is struggling to cope in the evenings and weekend. https://www.oxfordshiremind.org.uk/wellbeing/banbury-safe-haven/
Banbury Chamber of Commerce has a site summarising available support for local businesses https://www.banburychamber.com/covid-19-updates/
The government’s Public Health Matters Blog at https://publichealthmatters.blog.gov.uk/2020/03/04/coronavirus-covid-19-5-things-you-can-do-to-protect-yourself-and-your-community/ provides 5 things you can do to protect yourself and the community: