Following heavy rain over the last few days, West Adderbury Residents Association is very concerned to see that – as of 24 December 2020 – the drainage (attenuation) basin installed by the Parish Council on the Milton Road land is overflowing and flooding adjacent land.
As previously reported, Cherwell District Council have confirmed that the basin installed by the Parish Council to drain the new football pitches has only 15% of the capacity of the basin approved by CDC drainage engineers.
Back in October, David Peckford, Assistant Director of Planning and Development at CDC, wrote to the Parish Council to ask once again when the Council intended to install the approved basin. As far as we are aware, the Parish Council has not responded.
Our worst fears have now been realised, and the basin installed by the Parish Council is overflowing onto the land to the east i.e. towards Adderbury cemetery and the field drain which ultimately discharges into the Sor Brook.