West Adderbury residents have been accused of being undemocratic. We are told we are subverting democracy by not accepting Adderbury Parish Council decisions, by not accepting the will of the majority. But this is wrong.
Democracy is not giving the majority what it wants at the expense of the minority. If the majority decided tomorrow that no one called John would be allowed to vote, we would not think it was democratic. An evil cannot be made good just because a majority says so.
Power in the hands of one person is tyranny. Power in the hands of the majority is still tyranny. When a political system stops working for a part of society, when it starts to favour one group, no matter how big or small, then democracy has turned into tyranny.
West Adderbury is historically and geographically a separate village from East Adderbury and Twyford. The sleepy and peaceful character of West Adderbury is in stark contrast to the bustling, suburban nature of the rest of the Parish. Many residents chose to live in West adderbury because they value its unique character. Many residents identify first and foremost with West Adderbury and want to keep our special identity.
When the majority claims we are not a separate village, they really mean that we should not have our own views and values. What they really mean is that we should accept their decisions about the way we should live. The majority ruling the minority.
From Monday, 29th June, Cherwell District Council will write to West Adderbury residents asking us how we think and feel about the way the current Parish Council governs us and how we think it could be improved.
The only way we can decide our future for ourselves, shape our village the way we wish, protect our unique character from unwanted changes, is if we are no longer a minority being dictated to by the majority elsewhere in the Parish.
It is unacceptable for the majority to deny us traffic calming, a decent burial ground, protection of wildlife, sport and leisure facilities we will actually use, and protection from unwanted development. We can no longer be a minority and must have our own Parish Council back.
Please tell Cherwell District Council that you want a more democratic system. Tell them that you want to be free to decide your own future. Tell them you want a West Adderbury Parish Council to protect your rights and interests.
More people are joining West Adderbury Residents’ Association (WARA) every day. Come and have your say, join us:
Complete the form at westadderbury.org/wara, visit our Facebook page or email us at westadderbury@yahoo.com.
It only takes a few seconds and it’s completely free.